Organsa Wedding Planner Paris

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My vegan wedding: what’s on the menu?

In recent years, the vegan trend has been gaining ground. Indeed, according to a study by the private firm Xerfi in 2018, 5% of the world’s population will be vegetarian or vegan. In France, it is estimated that they represent 3% of the French population, or 1.3 million people.

As a reminder, veganism consists of rejecting all products of animal origin, whether in food, clothing or beauty products.

And as this diet is becoming more and more fashionable, it also goes through our plates at weddings! Because the “traditional” ceremonial meal is absolutely not obligatory and because a successful vegan wedding is possible! We explain how 🙂

As a starter, 4 good reasons to take the plunge:


1 – First of all, it’s YOUR day!

And that should be the only valid reason. Don’t give in to social pressure, respect your convictions to the end and keep concessions to a minimum in order to keep the best possible memories of your wedding.

2 – This is original.

And yes, we are not invited to a vegan wedding every day… Legumes, oilseeds, seeds, fruits, condiments, seaweed and many others… stop the preconceived ideas! Despite its constraints, vegan cuisine can be varied and tasty. This is an opportunity to introduce your omnivorous guests to new flavours in a responsible consumption approach.

3 – It’s eco-friendly.

The food is organic and locally produced in a responsible consumption approach. Most caterers who offer vegan wedding menus are also environmentally friendly and try to produce as little waste as possible.

4 – Compared to a flexitarian diet (or semi-vegetarianism, it is a dietary practice whose daily basis is vegetarian, but which allows an exceptional consumption of better quality meat), a vegan marriage is unquestionably cheaper!


For the dish, 4 menu ideas by vegan specialist caterers:


1 – Fraish Gourmet

It is the creation of a menu adapted to your desires, adapted to the theme of your wedding but also to your budget. A vegan wedding with Italian inspiration? Lebanese inspirations? Indian ? Or a traditional French vegetarian wedding? A fusion menu between different cultures?  And finally, technology and the modern world oblige: a guarantee so instagramable thanks to a refined presentation. Every detail counts!

Vegan weddingCrédit photo – Fraish Gourmet
2 – The Black Cat Kitchen

The Black Cat Kitchen is a 100% vegetal and organic catering service in Paris and Ile-de-France! Their mission? To make you discover a rich and tasty vegetarian cuisine that revisits your favourite Mediterranean, North African, Oriental, Asian and Latino recipes. Wedding menu on request, The Black Cat Kitchen can serve from 20 to 300 guests.

Vegan weddingCrédit photo – The Black Cat Kitchen
3 – Délices et saveurs Bio Artisan

As a wedding destination specialist I couldn’t help but introduce you to a vegan caterer offering island food! Micheline and her crew invite you to take a seat in her culinary plane.

Crédit photo – Délices et saveurs Bio Artisan
4 – VG Pâtisserie

Founded in 2016, VG Pâtisserie is the first plant-based fine pastry shop in Paris. It offers desserts, pastries, platters of mignardises, macaroons… you will have the choice.

Crédit photo – VG pâtisserie


And finally, for dessert, 4 Instagram veggies accounts to follow:


1 – @parisbyvegan  

Noémie is a militant Parisian who makes it a point of honour to prove that vegan cooking is delicious. Her 128,000 subscribers agree! Her project has been so successful that she has even published a book.

Mariage veganCrédit photo – Parisbyvegan
2 – @aliceesmeralda  

Alice has been a vegan since 2016 and has a master’s degree in biology, health and nutrition. She shares her recipes with beautiful, clean photos on Instagram and blogs them on her Youtube channel.

Crédit photo – Alice Esmeralda
3 – @lloydlng

Lloyd offers vegan recipes that are easy and above all fast! They are suitable for people who live the “fast life”. You can also find on his channel ideas for “meal preps” to eat vegan at the office or at school.

Mariage veganCrédit photo – Lloyd Lang
4- @holycamille

Camille is a lifestyle influencer and makes us discover, through her posts, dishes from vegan restaurants.

Mariage veganCrédit photo – Holy Camille


Do you want to organise a vegan wedding? Do not hesitate to contact us. For an eco-friendly wedding, it’s here!