The elaboration of the seating plan is one step among many others in the organization of your wedding, but also one of the most delicate. It is sometimes difficult to know where to place guests: family stories, misunderstandings between friends, singles or couples.
We must think carefully who we place beside whom! And yes, it’s not an easy thing, you have to think about everyone. Is it judicious to place Aunt Georgette beside Uncle Victor who have not talked to each other for centuries? And putting Granny Rose next to the last nephew of our cousin who does not stop putting his music to the bottom? For the good understanding of everyone, I think not. Your seating plan should be well designed!
Here is how a traditional tabletop works
- Each table has a name or number.
- On the table plan, we find the first name of each guest associated with a table.
- Once the guest has joined his table, he looks for his first name indicating his seating.
Crédit photo – Pinterest
A traditional but freer seating plan
If for your table plan you want to group some people together, but do not bother to designate so and so there, you just have to opt for this choice which is faster. Your guests will be delighted to be able to choose their neighbor. Free your guests to place themselves where they want around the table. You can trust them.
Crédit photo – Pinterest
Finished the seating plan
Gone are the hours spent thinking about where to place your guests. You make the decision to leave the choice to them. Everyone will place where he wants (off table of honor of course). So, Aunt Georgette, Aunt Yvonne and Granny Rose will be very happy to be able to chat! Here is how this alternative works: there is no seating plan. Guests can sit freely at the table and with the people of their choice. Convenient for small weddings (<50 guests) but to avoid for the most numerous.
Crédit photo – Sight by Sight
For more informations about the organization of your wedding, don’t hesitate to contact us!